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How to use Primo@Lib: Advanced Search

Advanced Search

Advanced Search features numerous input fields that facilitate narrowing or broadening your queries. This is beneficial when seeking information on a precise topic or combining multiple keywords into a search expression.

1. Search Profile  "Library Catalogue" allows you to search for all Library resources and "Library Catalogue+" provides additional e-resources records beyond it.
(see more in "Basic Search")
2. Material Types Limit search results to certain types of material, e.g. Books, Journals, Articles, Scores, Sound recordings etc.
3. Field Selector Enables you to narrow the search to a particular field, e.g. Title, Author, Subject etc.
4. Search Type Type of search you want to perform with your search terms.

‧ contains (包括)
Returns results with all words in the phrase, but can be in a different order and may not be as close.

‧ is exact (精確配對)
Returns results that exactly match the phrase specified in the query.

‧ starts with (開首字)
Returns results with words that start with the specified string.
5. Search Operators

Allow you to perform more advanced searches. (see more)

AND (與)
To return results that contain both search terms

OR (或)
To return results that contain either or both search terms

NOT (非)
To return results that exclude the search terms

Search Operators

Search operators can be used to narrow down, broaden or refine your search results. 

Combine search terms
AND To return results that contain both search terms.
cats AND dogs
OR To return results that contain either or both search terms.
cats OR dogs

To return results that exclude the search terms.
cats NOT kittens

Search for an exact phrase
" "

Using quotation marks " " will search for results that contain the exact phrase.

"Four Seasons"

"Four Seasons" AND Piano

( )

Using parentheses ( ) will allow users to combine keywords, define the logical order of boolean operators, and craft more focused search queries.

("Four Seasons" AND Piano) NOT voice

Search for derivations

Using an asterisk * at the end of a word stem can help retrieve results that have multiple derivations.



Results: drama, dramatist, dramaturgy...


Using a question mark ? as a wildcard character within a keyword to retrieve additional records that contain an alternative or similar letter in that position.



Results: Color, Colour