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How to use Primo@Lib: Search Results

Refine your Results

Filters enable you to refine broad searches by narrowing your results, which can be useful when a search returns a large number of results. Applying multiple filters simultaneously produces a targeted set of results.

You will be able to see the 'Refine your results' panel on your Primo results page.


You can apply single or multiple filters to narrow your search results.

Examples of Filters Application

Limited for Include Filters
Physical books located at the Academy Library (Wan Chai Campus)

(Availability) Held by library + 

(Library) Academy Library +

(Resource Type) Books

Physical videos (e.g. Blu-ray disc, DVD, VCD etc) located at the Film and Television Library (Béthanie Campus)

(Availability) Held by library + 

(Library) Film and Television Library +

(Resource Type) Videos

Any videos available online (e-resources)

(Availability) Available online +

(Resource Type) Videos

Limited for

Include + Exclude Filters
Any online resources EXCEPT videos

Include (Availability) Available online

(Resource Type) Videos


Saving Results

After signed-in to your Library Account, you will able to save your selected records from your search results.

  • Saving an Individual Record


  • Saving Records in Bulk



Saved Results

When you have selected one or more items, click the Pin icon to browse the "My Favorites" list for the saved search results. 


You may share your saved records by email 


You may also share or export your records individually:

Cannot find what you need

Inter-Library Loan

If you cannot find what you need in the Academy Libraries, you can try searching libraries of other university libraries in Hong Kong and the Library will make arrangement to borrow books through Inter-Library Loans or to obtain a copy of a journal article.

You can search catalogues of other libraries and complete the Inter-Library Loan request form.

Suggest a Purchase

You may request the Library to purchase the item by completing the online form "Suggest a Purchase"