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How to use Primo@Lib: Basic Search

Start Searching

Starting your search in Primo@Lib is easy. You can simply type your keyword(s) into the search bar located on the Library homepage or directly on the Primo@Lib page.


1). Primo@Lib: Search and access to all HKAPA Library Resources

2). Journal Search: Easily locate both print and electronic journals by their title, ISSN, or category

3). Database A-Z: Discover databases by their title, subject, or type, or browse an alphabetical list of databases

Basic Search

The basic search function is suitable for locating information on a single topic, a broad subject, or a particular author or title.

To perform a basic search, just type in keyword(s) into the search bar then click the search button as below.

Pull-down Menu (Search Profile)

By selecting from the pull-down menu (Search profile), you can choose:

1. Library Catalogue (圖書館目錄) to search for anything in the Library Collection

2. Library Catalogue+ (圖書館目錄+) to search for anything in the Library Collection plus online contents from subscribed e-databases on journal articles, multimedia resources, etc.

3. Course Reserves (指定參考) to search for materials recommended by course lecturer for a particular course

4. HKAPA Digital (演藝數碼資源) to search for digitized materials of the Academy Archive and local performing arts resources preserved in this repository

Advanced Search

Advanced search provides several search fields that enable you to refine or expand your search queries.

Search Filters:

contains (包括) Returns results with all words in the phrase, but can be in a different order and may not be as close.
is exact (精確配對) Returns results that exactly match the phrase specified in the query.
starts with (開首字) Returns results with words that start with the specified string.

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Search Operators

Search Operators such as AND, OR, and NOT between words or phrases allow you to perform more advanced searches.

Basic Search Operators:

( ) Parentheses enable you to group search terms and alter the order of precedence. 
AND  To return results that contain both search terms
OR To return results that contain either or both search terms
NOT To return results that exclude the search terms

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