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In Books We Find Nourish & Flourish 書中自有營上加型: Home

In Books We Find Nourish & Flourish 書中自有營上加型

Are you busy juggling the demands of studying, work, and other responsibilities? No matter how busy you are, don’t neglect your health. Maintaining good eating habits and a moderate amount of exercise can help you stay on top of everything. The library has compiled a list of print and electronic resources on nutrition and exercise to help you lead a more energetic life.

你在忙於應付學習、工作和其他責任嗎? 不管你有多忙,也不要忽視自己的健康。 保持良好的飲食習慣和適度的運動可以幫助您應對日常挑戰。圖書館精選了有關營養及運動的書籍及電子資源,讓你營上加型,活出自在人生。

Display until 15 Nov 2024 展出至 2024 年 11 月 15 日

EatSmart Restaurants 星級有營食肆

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