Step 1: Navigate to your course

Step 2: From the Assignments tab, open your assignment
Step 3: Use the "Start Assignment" button to get started

Step 4: Select the ''Upload File" button

Step 5: Use the ''Choose File" button to find the file you'd like to upload at your local drive.

Step 6: If you haven't already, you may be required to accept the Turnitin EULA and verify that your submission is your own work

Step 7: Select the "Submit Assignment" button to upload to Turnitin


步驟二: 於作業列表中,選擇需提交作業的項目
步驟三: 於右上方按下"開始作業"按鈕

步驟四: 選擇"上傳檔案"按鈕

步驟五: 按下"Choose File"按鈕上傳位於自己電腦上的檔案

步驟六: 勾選 "我同意工具 終端使用者許可協議。這個作業提交件是我自己的原創作品"

步驟七: 按下"提交作業"確認遞交作業

Note: Please set the font to "PMingLiU 新細明體" for your Chinese assignment to avoid errors and missing characters in the report, which can affect the similarity rate.
Turnitin will only accept files that can generate Similarity Reports. This includes:
- Files less than 100MB
- Files with a minimum of 20 words
- File with less than 800 pages
- Microsoft Word (.doc and .docx)
- Corel WordPerfect
- Adobe PostScript
- Plain text (.txt)
- Rich Text Format (.rtf)
- Portable Document Format (.pdf)
- Turnitin will not accept PDF image files, forms, or portfolios, files that do not contain highlightable text (e.g. a scanned file - usually an image), documents containing multiple files or files created with software other than Adobe Acrobat.
- To determine if a document contains actual text, copy and paste a section or all of the text into a plain-text editor such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit. If no text is copied over, the selection is not actual text.
- OpenOffice (.odt)
- Hangul (.hwp)
- PowerPoint (.pptx)
- Turnitin converts the PowerPoint slides into a static PDF, leaving all text and images in their original format but leaving out features such as presenter notes, embedded video, and animations.
- However, text with visual effects is not supported. It is recommended that any visual effects such as shadows and 3D be removed prior to submitting to Turnitin.
- Google Docs via Google Drive
- If submitting with Google Drive, third-party cookies must be allowed in your browser, otherwise, any attempts to sign into Google to upload from Google Drive will fail.
- Do not upload Google Doc (.gdoc) files directly as the file does not store the document, but contains a reference to it online, in Google Docs.
If you are using an unsupported word processor, you may need to save your plain text file as .txt or .rtf in order to upload to Turnitin.
Turnitin will not accept file with the following to generate Similarity Reports:
- Password protected files
- Microsoft Works (.wps) files
- Microsoft Word 2007 macros-enabled files(.docm )
- OpenOffice Text (.odt) files created and downloaded from Google Docs online
- Document (.doc) files created using OpenOffice
- Apple Pages
- Spreadsheets created outside of Microsoft Excel (e.g., .ods)
- Text with visual effects
注意:請將中文作業的字體設為 "PMingLiU 新細明體",以避免報告中出現錯誤和缺字,從而影響整體相似度。
- 100MB大小以下的檔案
- 含最低字數20字以上的檔案
- 頁數不多於800頁的檔案
- Microsoft Word格式文件 (.doc and .docx)
- Corel WordPerfect格式文件
- HTML檔案
- Adobe PostScript檔案
- 純文字檔案 (.txt)
- 富文字格式檔案 (.rtf)
- 可攜式文件格式(.pdf)
- Turnitin 並不接受以PDF格式遞交之圖檔、表格、選輯、任何不能突出顯示的文本(例如掃描圖文檔)、包含多於一個檔案的文件以及並非以Adobe Acrobat建立的PDF文件
- 如有需要確認文件是否包含可被偵測的文字,請將PDF文件裏一段或全部文字複製與貼上至微軟記事簿或蘋果文字編輯等文字編輯器測試。假若沒有文字顯示於文字編輯器,該段文字並非能被偵測的文字
- OpenOffice格式文件 (.odt)
- Hangul格式文件 (.hwp)
- PowerPoint格式簡報 (.pptx)
- Turnitin會將上傳的PowerPoint格式簡報轉換為靜態 PDF文件,並保留所有文本和圖像的原始格式,唯演講者備註、嵌入式視頻和動畫等特別文件並不會被保留。
- 附帶有視覺效果的文字亦不會被保留。任何上傳到 Turnitin 的簡報應先移除陰影和 3D等文字效果。
- 經Google Drive輸出之Google Doc格式文件
- 如使用 Google Drive 提交作業,您必須於你的瀏覽器允許第三方 Cookie存取,否則任何經 Google Drive 以上傳作業將不成功。
- 請不要直接上傳Google Doc (.gdoc)格式文件。該文件格式只包含連結到文件於Google Docs的網絡位置而非文字檔案。
如果您正在使用不被Turnitin支援的文字處理軟件,您需要將你的文件另存為 .txt 或 .rtf 等純文字檔案才能上傳到 Turnitin。
- 任何以密碼保護的檔案
- Microsoft Works格式檔案 (.wps) files
- Microsoft Word 2007 啟用巨集的文件(.docm )
- 從Google Docs建立並下載的OpenOffice Text (.odt) 格式文件
- 從OpenOffice建立的Document (.doc) 格式文件
- Apple Pages
- 任何並非以Microsoft Excel建立的電子表格檔案 (如.ods檔案)
- 附帶有視覺效果的文字
Step 1: Navigate to your course in which your assignment is located

Step 2: From the Assignments tab, open your assignment
Step 3: Select the relevant assignment, to the right-hand side of your assignment, press "Submission" details

Step 4: To view your Similarity Report in Turnitin, select the similarity percentage


步驟三: 點選相關作業,於作業右方點選“提交件的詳細資料”


Step 1: Open the report you would like to download

Step 2: Select the Share menu from the bottom left-hand corner of the document viewer
Step 3: From this menu, select "Download"

Step 4: A notification will appear to let you know when your report is ready to download. Select "Download PDF" to download the report onto your device

步驟一: 打開你需要下載的報告


