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In Books we Find Job Search Tips 書中自有求職全攻略: Home

In Books we Find Job Search Tips



Many students will start looking for summer internships or jobs at this time of the year. To help them to get ready, the Library has recently further strengthened its collection in different areas related to Job Hunting, including audition, body language, networking, interview and portfolio design. Printed books are on display in the Academy Library and ebooks are just a few clicks away.

每年將近暑假,同學會開始尋找暑期工或實習機會,繼學生事務處四月舉辦 Virtual Career & Internship Fair,圖書館整理及加強了這方面的館藏,特別是有關面試、身體語言、建立人脈網路、個人履歷設計等軟技能。實體書正在圖書館展示,電子書則可随時閱覧。


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