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In Books we find Copyright Law and Intellectual Property Rights 書中自有版權法與知識產權: Home

Copyright and Intellectual Property Law 版權與知識產權

Thematic Display in Academy Library (16 Jan - 28 Feb 2023)


From time to time, the Library has received enquiries related to copyright in different aspects. These questions led us to believe that staff and students are concerned about copyright compliance.

To meet this end, the Library has selected some print and e-books related to "Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights" and online resources such as copyright infringement Q&A for you to find out more about copyright. The print books are on display in the Academy Library from today until 28 Feb 2023.

An online webinar “Copyright Overview” will be conducted on 9 Feb 2023 to raise awareness of the copyright issues related to education and research.

圖書館不時會收到有關版權法的查詢,從而得知師生對版權法有不同程度的關心和疑問 。


為加深大家對教學與研究相關的版權事宜的認識,圖書館亦將在2月9日舉辦「版權全面睇: 網上研討會」。

The Copyright Classroom

More videos on copyright can be found in: The Copyright Classroom - HKU

Copyright infringement Q&A 侵犯版權常見問題

Will a person infringe the copyright in a work under these scenarios?

See Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC):

Will a person infringe the copyright in a work under these scenarios | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC)

Are there any "permitted acts" which may be exempt from the infringement of copyright?

See Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC):

Are there any "permitted acts" which may be exempt from the infringement of copyright | Community Legal Information Centre (CLIC)

Hong Kong Ordinances 香港條例

Cap 528 Copyright Ordinance
第528章 《版權條例》

Copyright (Amendment) Bill 2022


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