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In Books We Find Career Kickstart 書中自有職業啟航: Job Searching Skills

Job Search Websites

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online education platform that provides over 17,400 courses focused on the development of business, technology, and creative skills with 40 new releases each week. It is also a tool that supports staff’s personal development and students' employment-driven learning needs. Each course is developed and led by experts, and the platform will provide you with recommendations based on your interests. 

Other than browsing the content online in the LinkedIn Learning website, you may also download the LinkedIn Learning app (iOS App StoreGoogle Play) onto your mobile device(s) to learn new skills.

LinkedIn Learning 是圖書館新增的一個線上自學平台,提供超過17,400個涵蓋商業,科技及創意技術的課程;平均每周增添40個新課程。教職員及學生可修讀不同的課程,作自我增值及提升就業技能之用,課程由行內專業人士教授。此平台亦會按你的學習興趣,為你推介合適課程。​

除了經 LinkedIn Learning網站進行在線瀏覽外,你還可以於 iOS App StoreGoogle Play下載 LinkedIn Learning程式到你的移動設備上使用。

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