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In Books We Find Career and Internship Tips 書中自有就業實習全攻略: Home

In Books We Find Career and Internship Tips 書中自有就業實習全攻略

Many students will start looking for summer internships or jobs around this time of the year. To complement “the Virtual Career & Internship Fair 2022” organized by the Student Affairs Office, the Library has selected resources in the areas of job search skills, resume & CV writing, interviewing and auditioning for students to start making preparation.  In addition, the Library has introduced a new consultation service “Loop In” (Please click for more details).
又到了學生開始尋找暑期實習或工作的時間了!為配合學生事務處舉辦的「2022 香港演藝學院虛擬職業及實習展」,圖書館整合了各類與求職、撰寫履歷、面試及試鏡技巧等資源,並推出全新圖書館諮詢服務「Loop In」,務求讓同學為爭取理想的工作機會作好準備。

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Loop In


We are pleased to introduce a new online consultation service -- "Loop In" for students. You can book a timeslot to meet with experienced library staff via Microsoft Teams meeting. We will show you how to build up your own professional identity on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional networking platform.

The consultation session is one-on-one to help you:​

  • Build a LinkedIn Profile; ​
  • Strengthen the Profile with Library Resources; ​
  • Join and connect to the "HKAPA" network; ​
  • Stay up to date in the performing arts industry; 

Duration: 30 mins
Time: 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. (Mon - Fri)

Request Now!

For questions and assistance, please contact us by phone at 2584-8510, on WhatsApp at 2584-8524 or by email at

圖書館特別推出全新的網上諮詢服務——“Loop In”。學生可以選擇預約合適時段,館員將透過 Microsoft Teams 會議一對一協助學生在最大的專業網絡平台 LinkedIn 上建立個人專業形象。 ​​
諮詢服務旨在引導學生: ​
建立LinkedIn帳戶; ​
利用圖書館資源突顯專業形象; ​
加入“HKAPA”網絡; ​
了解表演藝術行業最新動態; ​​​

如有任何問題和協助,請致電 2584-8510、WhatsApp 2584-8524 或電郵至 與我們聯絡。