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In Books We Find Cantopop 書中自有廣東歌: Home

In Books We Find Cantopop 書中自有廣東歌

​Cantonese songs (commonly known as Cantopop) accompany our growth and bring different memories. From now until end of November 2022, books on melody, lyrics and development of Cantopop are displayed in the Academy Library. In addition, we have prepared a map of MVs filmed in the Wanchai neighbourhood and the Bethanie campus for you to explore.

廣東歌,又稱粤語流行曲,不但陪伴我們成長,還帶給各人不同的回憶。 是次展覧將介绍一些有關廣東歌曲調,歌詞及發展的書藉,更搜集了在灣仔區及伯大尼取景的廣東歌及MV製作成街道地圖,讓我們跟着廣東歌的痕跡,探索社區。

Display in the Academy Library until 30 Nov 2022

Open resources 網上資源

香港文化博物館 Hong Kong Heritage Museum

  • 對談嘉賓:朱耀偉教授(香港大學香港研究課程教授及總監,香港人文學院院士)及梁嘉茵博士(Serrini,本地唱作歌手,香港大學文學與文化研究博士)