Bloomsbury Collections provide access to eBooks on Art & Visual Culture, Design, Fashion, Film & Media, Music & Sound Studies, and more.
Bloomsbury Collections 收錄有關藝術與視覺文化、設計、時尚、電影與媒體、音樂與聲音研究等方面的電子書。
Bloomsbury Dress and Costume Library offers eBooks, videos and references content focusing on dress and costume history, design and making.
Bloomsbury Dress and Costume Library 提供有關戲劇服裝歷史、設計及製作的電子書、影片及參考資料。
Bloomsbury Historic Dress in Detail offers videos on historical garments from Roman to Modernist dress. Users can learn about the materials, construction, and how these garments were worn. The collection's accompanying articles provide key historical background and museum resources for further study. The videos are developed in collaboration with Crow's Eye Productions, which specializes in media content on historic dress and costume, and are reviewed by dress historian Valerie Cumming.
Bloomsbury Historic Dress in Detail 提供從古羅馬時期到現代主義的歷史服裝影片,詳述其材質、構造以及穿著方式。讀者可於每段影片的文章中了解更多歷史背景和相關博物館資源,作進一步研究。所有影片均與從事歷史服裝和戲服媒體內容的Crow's Eye Productions合作製作,並由服裝歷史學家 Valerie Cumming 審閱。
Features 16 masterclass videos taught by Richard Williams, the world-renowned Oscar-winning animator. Users can learn animation principles for various styles with over 400 animated examples.
收錄了16 部由世界知名的奧斯卡動畫獎得主 Richard Williams 主講的大師班影片。使用者可透過 400 多個動畫範例,學習各種風格的動畫原理。
Skillshare is an online learning platform with thousands of creative courses and classes taught by experts to help you learn new skills. Note: Login is required for access to the classes. Please find the login information at the Login for Databases page.
Skillshare 是一個線上學習平台,包含數以千個幫助你學習新技能的創意課程和內容。 請注意:如欲使用上列資料,請到Login for Databases網頁取得帳戶資料。